Data Acquisition Functions

get_age(snapshot::String, time::Unitful.Quantity; <keyword arguments>)::Dict{String,Any}

Get the ages of the stars at a specific time step.


  • snapshot::String: Path to a given snapshot.

  • time::Unitful.Quantity: Clock time of snapshot, with units. All available time units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.

  • sim_cosmo::Int64 = 0: Value of the GADGET variable ComovingIntegrationOn:

    • 0 ⟶ Newtonian simulation (static universe).
    • 1 ⟶ Cosmological simulation (expanding universe).
  • snap_0::String = "": Path to the fist snapshot. Only relevant for cosmological simulations (sim_cosmo = 1).

  • filter_function::Function = pass_all: A function with the signature:

    foo(snap_file::String, type::String)::Vector{Int64}

    See the function pass_all for an example. By default, no particles are filtered.


  • A dictionary with two entries.
    • "ages" ⟹ The ages of the stars.
    • "unit" ⟹ The unit of time used.
    <keyword arguments>
)::Dict{String, Any}

Get the birth location of the stars in a given snapshot.


  • snap_index::Int64: Index in snap_files of the snapshot whose stars will be located.

  • snap_files::Vector{String}: Output of the function get_snapshot_path corresponding to the key "snap_files", containing an Array with the paths to the snapshots.

  • time_stamps::Vector{Float64}: Clock time of every snapshot in snap_files.

  • stamps_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits: Unit of time of the time_stamps.

  • sim_cosmo::Int64 = 0: Value of the GADGET variable ComovingIntegrationOn:

    • 0 ⟶ Newtonian simulation (static universe).
    • 1 ⟶ Cosmological simulation (expanding universe).
  • filter_function::Function = pass_all: A function with the signature:

    foo(snap_file::String, type::String)::Vector{Int64}

    See the function pass_all for an example. By default, no particles are filtered.

  • length_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = UnitfulAstro.kpc: Unit of length to be used in the output, all available length units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.


  • A 2 dimensional arrays with the positions of the stars. Each row is a star and each column corresponds to coordinates x, y and z respectively.
    <keyword arguments>
)::Dict{String, Matrix{Float64}}

Get the data from the cpu.txt file.

For the row in target a matrix with all the CPU usage data (as percentages of total CPU time) is returned.


  • source_path::String: Path to the directory containing the cpu.txt file.
  • target::String: Target process.
  • step::Int64 = 1: Step used to traverse the CPU cycles, i.e. one every step cycles is returned.


  • A dictionary with one entry.
    • process ⟹ Matrix with CPU cycles as its first column, and CPU usage (in percentage) as its second column.
    <keyword arguments>
)::Dict{String, Matrix{Float64}}

Get the data from the cpu.txt file.

For each target row in targets a matrix with all the CPU usage data (as percentages of total CPU time) is returned.


  • source_path::String: Path to the directory containing the cpu.txt file.
  • targets::Vector{String}: Target processes.
  • step::Int64 = 1: Step used to traverse the CPU cycles, i.e. one every step cycles is returned.


  • A dictionary with as many entries as strings in targets.
    • process ⟹ Matrix with CPU cycles as its first column, and CPU usage (in percentage) as its second column.
get_density(snapshot::String; <keyword arguments>)::Dict{String,Any}

Get the densities of the gas particles at a specific time step.


  • snapshot::String: Path to the snapshot file.

  • sim_cosmo::Int64 = 0: Value of the GADGET variable ComovingIntegrationOn:

    • 0 ⟶ Newtonian simulation (static universe).
    • 1 ⟶ Cosmological simulation (expanding universe).
  • filter_function::Function = pass_all: A function with the signature:

    foo(snap_file::String, type::String)::Vector{Int64}

    See the function pass_all for an example. By default, no particles are filtered.

  • density_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = UnitfulAstro.Msun / UnitfulAstro.kpc^3: Unit of density to be used in the output, all available density units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.


  • A dictionary with two entries.
    • "density" ⟹ Densities of the gas particles.
    • "unit" ⟹ The unit of density used, i.e. is a pass-through of density_unit.
get_fatom(snapshot::String; <keyword arguments>)::Vector{Float64}

Get the fraction of atomic gas of each particle at a specific time step.


  • snapshot::String: Path to a given snapshot.

  • sim_cosmo::Int64 = 0: Value of the GADGET variable ComovingIntegrationOn:

    • 0 ⟶ Newtonian simulation (static universe).
    • 1 ⟶ Cosmological simulation (expanding universe).
  • filter_function::Function = pass_all: A function with the signature:

    foo(snap_file::String, type::String)::Vector{Int64}

    See the function pass_all for an example. By default, no particles are filtered.


  • Vector with fraction of atomic gas of each particle
get_fmol(snapshot::String; <keyword arguments>)::Vector{Float64}

Get the fraction of molecular gas of each particle at a specific time step.


  • snapshot::String: Path to a given snapshot.

  • sim_cosmo::Int64 = 0: Value of the GADGET variable ComovingIntegrationOn:

    • 0 ⟶ Newtonian simulation (static universe).
    • 1 ⟶ Cosmological simulation (expanding universe).
  • filter_function::Function = pass_all: A function with the signature:

    foo(snap_file::String, type::String)::Vector{Int64}

    See the function pass_all for an example. By default, no particles are filtered.


  • Vector with fraction of molecular gas of each particle
get_hsml(snapshot::String; <keyword arguments>)::Dict{String,Any}

Get the smoothing lengths of the gas particles at a specific time step.


  • snapshot::String: Path to a given snapshot.

  • sim_cosmo::Int64 = 0: Value of the GADGET variable ComovingIntegrationOn:

    • 0 ⟶ Newtonian simulation (static universe).
    • 1 ⟶ Cosmological simulation (expanding universe).
  • filter_function::Function = pass_all: A function with the signature:

    foo(snap_file::String, type::String)::Vector{Int64}

    See the function pass_all for an example. By default, no particles are filtered.

  • length_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = UnitfulAstro.kpc: Unit of length to be used in the output, all available length units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.


  • A dictionary with two entries.
    • "hsml" ⟹ Smoothing lengths of the gas particles.
    • "unit" ⟹ The unit of length used, i.e. is a pass-through of length_unit.
get_mass(snapshot::String, type::String; <keyword arguments>)::Dict{String,Any}

Get the mass of all the particles at a specific time step.


  • snapshot::String: Path to a given snapshot.

  • type::String: Particle type.

    • "gas" ⟶ Gas particle.
    • "dark_matter" ⟶ Dark matter particle.
    • "stars" ⟶ Star particle.
  • sim_cosmo::Int64 = 0: Value of the GADGET variable ComovingIntegrationOn:

    • 0 ⟶ Newtonian simulation (static universe).
    • 1 ⟶ Cosmological simulation (expanding universe).
  • filter_function::Function = pass_all: A function with the signature:

    foo(snap_file::String, type::String)::Vector{Int64}

    See the function pass_all for an example. By default, no particles are filtered.

  • mass_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = UnitfulAstro.Msun: Unit of mass to be used in the output, all available mass units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.


  • A dictionary with three entries.
    • "mass" ⟹ Masses of the particles.
    • "unit" ⟹ The unit of mass used, i.e. is a pass-through of mass_unit.
    • "type" ⟹ Particle type, i.e. is a pass-through of type.
get_metal_mass(snapshot::String, type::String; <keyword arguments>)::Dict{String,Any}

Get the mass of several elements within each particle at a specific time step.


  • snapshot::String: Path to a given snapshot.

  • type::String: Particle type.

    • "gas" ⟶ Gas particle.
    • "stars" ⟶ Star particle.
  • sim_cosmo::Int64 = 0: Value of the GADGET variable ComovingIntegrationOn:

    • 0 ⟶ Newtonian simulation (static universe).
    • 1 ⟶ Cosmological simulation (expanding universe).
  • filter_function::Function = pass_all: A function with the signature:

    foo(snap_file::String, type::String)::Vector{Int64}

    See the function pass_all for an example. By default, no particles are filtered.

  • mass_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = UnitfulAstro.Msun: Unit of mass to be used in the output, all available mass units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.


  • A dictionary with two entries.
    • "Z" ⟹ Matrix where each row is an element, and each column a particle.
      • 01: He (Helium)
* 02: C (Carbon)
* 03: Mg (Magnesium)
* 04: 0 (Oxygen)
* 05: Fe (Iron)
* 06: Si (Silicon)
* 07: H (Hydrogen)
* 08: N (Nitrogen)
* 09: Ne (Neon)
* 10: S (Sulfur)
* 11: Ca (Calcium)
* 12: Zn (Zinc)
  • "unit" ⟹ The unit of mass used, i.e. is a pass-through of mass_unit.
  • "type" ⟹ Particle type, i.e. is a pass-through of type.
get_metallicity(snapshot::String, type::String; <keyword arguments>)::Dict{String,Any}

Get the metallicity of the particles at a specific time step. With metallicity define as the total mass of all elements except Hydrogen and Helium.


  • snapshot::String: Path to a given snapshot.

  • type::String: Particle type.

    • "gas" ⟶ Gas particle.
    • "stars" ⟶ Star particle.
  • sim_cosmo::Int64 = 0: Value of the GADGET variable ComovingIntegrationOn:

    • 0 ⟶ Newtonian simulation (static universe).
    • 1 ⟶ Cosmological simulation (expanding universe).
  • filter_function::Function = pass_all: A function with the signature:

    foo(snap_file::String, type::String)::Vector{Int64}

    See the function pass_all for an example. By default, no particles are filtered.

  • mass_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = UnitfulAstro.Msun: Unit of mass to be used in the output, all available mass units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.


  • A dictionary with two entries.
    • "Z" ⟹ Metallicities of the particles.
    • "unit" ⟹ The unit of mass used, i.e. is a pass-through of mass_unit.
    • "type" ⟹ Particle type, i.e. is a pass-through of type.
get_position(snapshot::String; <keyword arguments>)::Dict{String, Any}

Get the coordinates of all the particles at a specific time step.


  • snapshot::String: Path to a given snapshot.

  • sim_cosmo::Int64 = 0: Value of the GADGET variable ComovingIntegrationOn:

    • 0 ⟶ Newtonian simulation (static universe).
    • 1 ⟶ Cosmological simulation (expanding universe).
  • center::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing: How to adjust the center of mass.

    • nothing: No adjustments to the center of mass are made.
    • "local": Each type of particle gets its center of mass to (0, 0, 0) independently.
    • "baryon": Baryons and dark matter get their centers of mass to (0, 0, 0) independently.
    • "global": The center of mass of the whole system gets to (0, 0, 0).
  • filter_function::Function = pass_all: A function with the signature:

    foo(snap_file::String, type::String)::Vector{Int64}

    See the function pass_all for an example. By default, no particles are filtered.

  • box_size::Unitful.Quantity = 1000.0UnitfulAstro.kpc: Size of the plotting region if vacuum boundary conditions were used. It has to have units but they don't have to be the same as length_unit.

  • length_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = UnitfulAstro.kpc: Unit of length to be used in the output, all available length units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.


  • A dictionary with six entries.
    • "gas", "dark_matter", "stars" ⟹ 2 dimensional arrays with the positions of the particles of the type given by the key. Each row is a particle and each column correspond to coordinates x, y and z respectively.
    • "box_size" ⟹ The range of values for the plotting of the positions, i.e. a range of ± box_size if vacuum boundary conditions were used, or (0, header.boxsize) if periodic boundary conditions were used. Notice how the side length of the region is 2 * box_size for vacuum boundary conditions and header.boxsize for periodic boundary conditions.
    • "periodic" ⟹ If the boundary condition are periodic.
    • "unit" ⟹ The unit of length used, i.e. is a pass-through of length_unit.
    <keyword arguments>
)::Dict{Union{Int64, String}, Any}

Get the column data from the sfr.txt file.

Transform from internal units to the ones given by mass_unit, time_unit and sfr_unit.


This function takes a modified version of sfr.txt generated by a private version of GADGET3. GADGET4 produces a sfr.txt, but it is not compatible with this function.


  • source_path::String: Path to the directory containing the sfr.txt file.
  • snapshot::String: Path to a particular snapshot file, to use its header.
  • sim_cosmo::Int64 = 0: Value of the GADGET variable ComovingIntegrationOn:
    • 0 ⟶ Newtonian simulation (static universe).
    • 1 ⟶ Cosmological simulation (expanding universe).
  • mass_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = UnitfulAstro.Msun: Unit of mass to be used in the output, all available mass units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.
  • time_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = UnitfulAstro.Myr: Unit of time to be used in the output, all available time units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.
  • sfr_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = UnitfulAstro.Msun / UnitfulAstro.yr: Unit of mass/time to be used in the output, all available time and mass units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.


  • A dictionary with seven entries.
    • 1 ⟹ The first column (time).
    • 2 ⟹ The second column (total mass - probability).
    • 3 ⟹ The third column (SFR - original GADGET).
    • 4 ⟹ The fourth column (SFR - probability).
    • 5 ⟹ The fifth column (real total mass).
    • 6 ⟹ The sixth column (real SFR).
    • "units" ⟹ Units used, i.e. is a pass-through of mass_unit, time_unit and sfr_unit.
function get_snapshot_path(
)::Dict{String, Vector{String}}

Find the paths to the GADGET output files, grouping them by snapshot.


  • base_name::String: Base name of the snapshot files, set in the GADGET variable SnapshotFileBase.
  • source_path::String: Path to the directory containing the snapshot files, set in the GADGET variable OutputDir.


  • A dictionary with two entries.
    • "numbers" ⟹ The numbers that characterize each snapshot.
    • "snap_files" ⟹ The paths to the snapshot files.
get_temperature(snapshot::String; <keyword arguments>)::Dict{String,Any}

Get the temperature of the gas particles at a specific time step.

To compute the temperature we use

\[T = (\gamma - 1) \, \frac{e \, m}{k_B} \, ,\]

where $\gamma$ is the adiabatic index, $e$ is the internal energy per unit mass, $m$ the mass per particle (protons and electrons) and $k_B$ is the Boltzmann constant. In particular, we take $\gamma = 5/3$. For how we compute $e$ and $m$ see the comments in the source code of this function.


  • snapshot::String: Path to a given snapshot.

  • sim_cosmo::Int64 = 0: Value of the GADGET variable ComovingIntegrationOn:

    • 0 ⟶ Newtonian simulation (static universe).
    • 1 ⟶ Cosmological simulation (expanding universe).
  • filter_function::Function = pass_all: A function with the signature:

    foo(snap_file::String, type::String)::Vector{Int64}

    See the function pass_all for an example. By default, no particles are filtered.

  • temp_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = Unitful.K: Unit of temperature to be used in the output, all available temperature units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.


  • A dictionary with two entries.
    • "temperature" ⟹ Temperatures of the particles.
    • "unit" ⟹ The unit of temperature used, i.e. is a pass-through of temp_unit.
get_time_evolution(snap_files::Vector{String}; <keyword arguments>)::Dict{String, Any}

Get the time series of several parameters for the whole simulation.

The parameters are:

  • "scale_factor"
  • "redshift"
  • "clock_time" (Physical time)
  • "sfr" (SFR)
  • "sfr_prob" (SFR probability - Not normalized)
  • "gas_number" (Gas particle number)
  • "dm_number" (Dark matter particle number)
  • "star_number" (Star number)
  • "gas_mass" (Total gas mass)
  • "dm_mass" (Total dark matter mass)
  • "star_mass" (Total star mass)
  • "gas_density" (Global gas density)
  • "gas_frac" (Gas fraction)
  • "dm_frac" (Dark matter fraction)
  • "star_frac" (Star fraction)
  • "gas_bar_frac" (Baryonic gas fraction)
  • "star_bar_frac" (Baryonic star fraction)


  • snap_files::Vector{String}: Output of the function get_snapshot_path corresponding to the key "snap_files", containing an Array with the paths to the snapshots.

  • sim_cosmo::Int64 = 0: Value of the GADGET variable ComovingIntegrationOn:

    • 0 ⟶ Newtonian simulation (static universe).
    • 1 ⟶ Cosmological simulation (expanding universe).
  • filter_function::Function = pass_all: A function with the signature:

    foo(snap_file::String, type::String)::Vector{Int64}

    See the function pass_all for an example. By default, no particles are filtered.

  • mass_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = UnitfulAstro.Msun: Unit of mass to be used in the output, all available mass units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.

  • time_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = UnitfulAstro.Myr: Unit of time to be used in the output, all available time units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.

  • sfr_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = UnitfulAstro.Msun / UnitfulAstro.yr: Unit of mass/time to be used in the output, all available time and mass units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.

  • length_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = UnitfulAstro.kpc: Unit of length to be used in the output, all available length units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.

  • density_unit::Unitful.FreeUnits = UnitfulAstro.Msun / UnitfulAstro.kpc^3: Unit of density to be used in the output, all available density units in Unitful.jl and UnitfulAstro.jl can be used.


  • A dictionary.
    • "{property}" ⟹ Numeric values of the property in the key (one value per snapshot) for the whole simulation.
    • "units" ⟹ Units used, for easy piping with other functions.
    • "labels" ⟹ Labels to be used when plotting the quantities.